Careers and Post 16 Guidance
Careers Guidance
At Tibshelf Community School, we believe that all students should be provided with the knowledge, inspiration and ability to take ownership of their own career choices to enable them to succeed in life. Our careers programme is designed to develop the key skills and knowledge students need to succeed in the workplace, whilst also providing high quality advice and guidance around careers and future study pathways.
We have developed strong links with Further and Higher Education providers and have excellent working relationships with local and national employers. Students therefore have many opportunities to interact with these providers and engage in a range of activities to make informed choices about their future.
We measure the impact of our careers programme against the number of students that leave us and progress into full-time education, apprenticeships and internships with the aim of getting 100% of students onto the next stage of their career path.
Careers Leader
Miss G Thorpe
Deputy Director of Personal Development
Contact Us
Please get in touch by contacting if you would like to support us with career events such as:
- Careers fairs
- Mock interviews
- Extracurricular clubs and activities
- Inspirational talks based on your industry or job role
- Deliver hands-on workshops and activities relating to your area of expertise
- Be part of our discussions about pathways after school, e.g. apprenticeships
- Help champion specific issues and challenge barriers in the workplace around gender stereotyping, disability etc
- Help bring a subject lesson or school subject to life by linking it to your industry.
- Offer a work experience placement for students at your business premises
- Become an ambassador supporting employment routes for young people with special educational needs and disabilities and offer a work experience placement that is co-supported by the school
Please see our Provider Access Policy which outlines how we manage requests.
Post-16 Options
Post-16 Options
After leaving school, it is a legal requirement that students stay in education and/or training until 18. This could mean completing a vocational course or T Level at a college, starting an apprenticeship or traineeship, or taking A Levels at a sixth form.
Students have access to a specialist independent careers adviser within school. These are appointment based and coordinated by the Director of Personal Development.
The National Careers Service offers information on the different post-16 options available to students after leaving school. There’s also a detailed list of careers with example pathways into each one.
Career Pilot can be useful to gain more information about post 16 options, such as A Levels, Vocational Courses, T Levels and apprenticeships.
The Government Apprenticeships website offers information on apprenticeships including what they are, how they’re different to other post-16 options, how to apply, and what to expect throughout the process.
The ability to search for current apprenticeship vacancies and register for alerts on new vacancies in the local area
Information on the different post-16 pathways available at Chesterfield College and West Nottinghamshire College includes vocational courses, apprenticeships, and A-Levels.
Derbyshire Observatory - Data and statistics for Derbyshire, including labour market information.
Student and Parents Careers Guide
It can sometimes be daunting to think about your future and to make the right decisions about what to do after Y11. To help you make the right choices, it’s a good idea to think about these three questions:
- Where are you now? (What qualifications, skills and interests do you have?)
- Where do you want to get to? (What would you like to be doing in 5 years’ time?)
- How will you get there? (What course, training or future job is likely to get you where you want to go?)
The Student and Parents Guide provides information that may be useful when making the right choices regarding Post 16 and Careers.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Programme
At Tibshelf Community School, our motto is Alta Pete “Aim for the Highest”. Our Careers Programme is designed to raise the aspirations of all students and provide them with the knowledge and skills to make informed choices about their future. You can view our CEIAG policy
CEIAG is an essential part of our Personal Development provision and is an integral component to key aspects of the school such as Personal Development lessons, Tutor Time, Assemblies, Curriculum Time and Personal Development Days.
We have adopted the Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure that we provide high quality independent careers guidance and information about educational qualifications, higher education and apprenticeships.
The eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance
Click to view the full government careers guidance document.
Provider Access
Under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997, the school has a duty to provide students in years 7-11 with access to post 16 educational and careers providers.
The Provider Access Policy outlines how we manage provider requests.
Work Experience
As part of the Careers Education and Guidance programme at Tibshelf Community School, all Year 10 students are expected to take part in a compulsory work experience programme with an employer. The aim is to help them gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world of work and all that it entails.
This is a superb chance for our students to build confidence and develop their employability skills. We always strongly advise students to choose a placement that is in an occupational area that they are interested in as this will either confirm for them that this is a career that they wish to pursue or alternatively may confirm that this is not for them.
Any queries about work experience can be sent to:
Tibshelf Careers Fair 2023